About Kidwells

Revitalise your business: thrive again with our expert support!

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The Kidwells Group is a collective of companies offering a variety of services. It is a collaboration of Kidwells Business Solutions, Kidwells Solicitors, Kidwells Accountancy, Kidwells Rated (Kidwells Marketing Solutions), and Kidwells Loans. With expertise in every area, we can assist you and your business with anything you may need.

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Kidwells Business Solutions specialises in providing comprehensive business advice, including personalised mentoring and coaching services. Our collaborative approach involves partnering with diverse industry experts to facilitate the realisation of the strategic roadmap we establish together.

Kidwells Solicitors are here to help your business with any legal advice to make you you comply with business laws. Whether it is related to employee contracts, licensing, acquiring a new office or establishing a new business, Kidwells Solicitors can assist you.

Kidwells Rated, better known as What’s In, is an all-in-one marketing company. With experts in videography, photography, web development, and social media, Kidwells Rated has the tools to get your business noticed in a growing digital world.

Kidwells Accountancy offers a comprehensive accountancy service. Keeping track of money is essential to running a successful business. However, everything you need to do to be compliant can take time away from doing the actual “work” of your business. That’s where Kidwells Accountancy comes in.

Kidwells Loans specialise in quick, affordable, and sensible business loans for businesses who need it most. Commercial business loans can be used for a multitude of reasons, such as equipment, hiring staff, boosting cashflow⁠—whatever your next step needs to be.

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Unlock the full potential of your business and dare to dream big with Kidwells Business Solutions
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